Mac malware goes undetected for years

Contrary to popular belief, Macs do get hacked. Although it doesn’t happen as frequently as it does on Windows PCs, Macs have been infected by worms, Trojan horses, and other forms of malware in the [...]

2023-05-09T09:33:58+00:00August 29th, 2017|Apple|

Best Mac tips and features

One of Mac’s selling points is its powerful, highly intuitive, and user-friendly operating system. In fact, most companies using Macs today do so to save time and increase productivity. But you can take your Mac [...]

2023-05-09T09:33:59+00:00August 15th, 2017|Apple|

macOS High Sierra 101

macOS High Sierra’s public beta is now available and it happens to be the first full OS upgrade since Snow Leopard. Despite that, the new OS’ most notable enhancements are not about features per se, [...]

2023-05-09T09:34:02+00:00July 12th, 2017|Apple|

6 tips to secure Mac computers

When it comes to Mac devices, data privacy and security should be your #1 priority, not an afterthought. Without implementing sufficient security measures, you’re leaving the door open for cybercriminals to ransack your sensitive data. [...]

2023-05-09T09:34:05+00:00June 8th, 2017|Apple|

Malware infects Mac HandBrake downloads

If you’ve downloaded the macOS version of HandBreak, a popular video transcoding program that converts multimedia files into different formats, checking your computer’s safety right now would be wise. Users who downloaded the program between [...]

2023-05-09T09:34:06+00:00May 24th, 2017|Apple|

Beware: new Mac malware on the loose

MacOS has a reputation for being one of the most secure operating systems. But in 2016, its susceptibility to malware grew by an astounding 744% according to one security report. Recently, a new strain of [...]

2023-05-09T09:34:07+00:00May 9th, 2017|Apple|

New Mac Pro speculations

For years, Apple users have been holding on to nothing but online rumors concerning the release date of the new Mac Pro. Thankfully, Apple just confirmed a radical revamp of its high-end workstation. Although official [...]

2023-05-09T09:34:08+00:00April 21st, 2017|Apple|
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